Fresno Divorce Attorney Reviews

Here are some of the many Fresno Divorce Attorney Reviews our firm has received. These opinions of our past clients are a very good indication of how your experience with our firm will be. You can find additional reviews of our firm at If you would like to find out for yourself, please call us at (559) 230-2600 to set a consultation with one of our divorce attorneys


Posted by a Divorce Client

Divorce attorney reviews: Paul helped my daughter, Naseem, with her restraining order. He is amazingly generous and gracious. I just want to let the public know if you have a need, Paul’s your man. I feel forever grateful for the protection you facilitied for my daughter and granddaughter.


Posted by a Divorce client.

Divorce attorney reviews: Paul is not only a superior attorney, he and the members of his firm have a unique ability to “connect the dots” between the client, the disputes and the family legal quagmire. My divorce, while unique and emotional, was navigated by Paul and his staff with vigor, expertise and they provided a necessary calming effect. Paul’s ability to maintain relationships with all parties involved, while keeping the best interests of his client is the exemplar. My divorce required an attorney that could wade through the muddy waters of emotion and see the nuanced realities and their relationship to the legal process. He brought all of it back down to earth. My divorce included unique filings, several children and a long difficult legal road ahead. It is a comfort that Paul will continue to represent me and the best interests of my children.


Posted by David, a Child Custody client.

Divorce attorney reviews: Paul very ably handled my complex child custody dispute involving three jurisdictions (including one in a foreign country), an appellate angle, and a very deep-pocketed ex. He was accessible when I called, his staff was unfailingly polite and capable, and ultimately the matter was sent to the jurisdiction where it belonged. I was impressed, and I’m a lawyer myself. Even more importantly, he knew what his strengths were as well what he needed to defer to outsiders. He found a superb expert for me, and brought a subpoena against a branch of government that I frankly wouldn’t have thought would result in a reply–but it did. That was great work. Paul’s fees were quite reasonable. And he impressed me as a fundamentally decent person who works his way through the family law courts by dint of his outstanding knowledge of the law. But also because other people–judges and opposing counsel–respect him for his forthright, fair, and results-oriented outlook. Often family law litigants feel compelled to engage a jerk for a lawyer, which is ultimately counterproductive. Paul is not that; he is tough, and certainly not a pushover, but he was always conscious of what was in the best interests of my child (who, as it turns out, is the same age as his). The result was certainly good for me and for my family. I recommend Paul to other family law litigants without reservation.


Posted by Deborah, a Divorce client

Divorce attorney reviews: I have read all of the other reviews and could not agree more with all of the positive comments. In response to the individuals who did not post positive reviews, with all due respect, I’m inclined to think there is more to you and your case than what you are revealing.

Divorce attorney reviews: I was totally blindsided when my spouse of 15 years served me divorce papers. He had a young girlfriend & had already moved in with her unbeknownst to me. I had no family on the west coast, no money & no resources. I had three young children and had been a stay at home mom for 10 years, was distraught, and immediately asked around for the name of the best divorce attorney in town. Two names kept coming up again and again. I went to a consultation with the first attorney. I told him that I was from the east coast & had only moved to Fresno 10 years ago for my husband’s job. I had no family, no job & I wanted to go home where I would have a better chance with employment & help with my children. He informed me that a “move away order was next to impossible,” I would never get it, it was messy and expensive & he didn’t want to get involved with it. I met Paul the next day. He was amazing. He listened, helped me figure out where the money was going to come from & most of all, he gave me hope.

Paul and Jennifer (Byers-Lawton) walked me through every step of the process. The most profound thing Paul said to me was, “Tell the truth. Do the right things. Always do what’s best for your children no matter how you feel.” Paul has integrity and always encouraged me to take the high road. Paul was very honest and straightforward. He fought hard to get me a fair support order. He and Jennifer prepared me well for court and mediation situations, letting me know exactly what to expect. Paul knows family law & it was obvious that he was very well respected in court. His office staff was extremely courteous and efficient. The lines of communication were always open. Jennifer always responded in a very timely manner & was my lifeline during a very dark time. She really knows her stuff but approaches things with warmth and humor. She is the kind of person you would want to be friends with in real life. This is the kind of person Paul chooses to be his associate.

Like all good things, Paul is expensive. I won’t argue that, but really, you get what you pay for. This is you life and the lives of your children we’re talking about. He is worth every penny. It was a long and painful process but I know I would not be where I am today without Paul Lerandeau. I am writing this review from the east coast where my children and I now live.


Posted by Tim, a Divorce client

Divorce attorney reviews: I have worked with many attorneys in my personal life, but more so in my professional career and I have to say that Paul Lerandeau is without question the finest attorney that I have ever met. Simply put, he is a real stand-up guy. But what makes Paul a special attorney is his dedication to his clients, the “diplomatic tenacity” that he applies to his work ethics, and his natural ability to “think outside the box”. He doesn’t miss a trick. In my situation he performed what I called “Paul’s magic”.

I was married to a lady who was a French citizen. Prior to us getting married, with the belief that she would inherit a sizable amount of high valued property in the South of France, my soon-to-be-wife asked me to sign a prenuptial agreement. I had no problem with that. Six years later we were going through a divorce. Paul represented me in this matter. I had told Paul that we had a prenuptial agreement that was written and filed in France, but that my copy had strangely disappeared. The only information I had was that the document was written in July of 1998 by a Notary (a very high level position in France) in a small city about a two hour drive north of Aix-en-Provence. I also remembered that the city had a small “Coca Cola Memorabilla Museum” in it.

Paul wrote a letter to my estranged wife’s attorney requesting a copy of the document. A few days later Paul called me and said, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I received a response from your wife’s Attorney and she said that they don’t know anything about any prenuptial agreement. The good news is that I found the city that you signed the prenuptial agreement in. It was in Salon-de-Provence. I also found the Notary who wrote the prenuptial agreement and he just faxed it to me. Oh ya and I just faxed it to your wife’s attorney so she could have a copy too.” Well I was absolutely amazed!! I’m thinking, how did he do that??

But Paul’s magic wasn’t over quite yet. When we went to Court for our Pre-Trial Hearing the Judge looked at the prenuptial agreement. It was written in French and it referenced French Laws. The Judge told Paul that she wanted an attorney who was a member of the California and French Bar Association to translate the document into English and explain how the French Laws related to California Laws. I thought, oh no, how do I find a guy like that? The next day Paul found that guy. At that point the show was about over. And my divorce was over too. Thank you Paul….

During the time that Paul represented me he consistently displayed the highest levels of integrity, honesty and I would have to say brilliance. If you need help with anything involving Family Law in Fresno County or maybe even anywhere in the Central Valley, do yourself a favor and call Paul Lerandeau. You’ll thank me later.


Posted by J.J., a Divorce client

Divorce attorney reviews: In my opinion Jennifer is a top level Attorney! She made my divorce go very smooth with little stress and was always eager to answer my questions with compassion and understanding! She is very professional and caring and really knew her stuff. Words cannot explain how grateful I am to her and her staff! I know exactly who Im going to recommend my friends to if they need an attorney! Thank you Jennifer!


5.0 stars – Posted by Shanon

I seeked out Lacey’s help the day before my court hearing; I was overwhelmed and very emotional. She worked with me and was accomadating to my financial needs. I was very pleased and relieved with her by my side for the hearing. She argued my case with the court and succeeded by getting me what I had hoped for in my custody battle. I could not be more grateful for her help and professional manor in which she did so. Thanks again to LACEY and the Law Firm LERANDEAU and LERANDEAU for helping me and my daughter stay together.


Posted by Divorce client

Divorce attorney reviews: On one hand, Toni is a tough, no nonsense, “make it happen” type of attorney. She dealt with the other attorney with a very firm hand and refused to compromise on what I felt was right. On the other, she is very empathetic and caring. She took the time to listen to all of my person needs and concerns. She kept me informed of all of the developments in my case and never made any substantive decisions without consulting me first. I obtained an excellent result and we are still good friends today. Toni is a brilliant attorney and one of the most woderful individuals I have ever met.


Posted by Mark, a Divorce client.

When one looks for a divorce attorney, well connected people get referrals. Everyone else reads reviews or searches the Internet. Luckily, I was referred to Paul Lerandeau by our business attorney. Referrals work because the referring person is a trusted friend and connects you with another trusted friend of theirs. Let me then refer you to the smartest and most creative family law practice in the state, Lerandeau & Lerandeau. My divorce was extremely complicated and difficult. Paul, Jennifer, Rebecca, and Toni were all very knowledgeable and helpful throughout the process. I never went to a courtroom, saw a judge, or dealt with a mediator. The attorneys at Lerandeau and Lerandeau forged a relationship with the opposing counsel that benefited me. There were many times their advice both legal and personal were beneficial during and after the divorce. You will not meet a more capable and friendly group of attorneys. Call Paul before your future ex does.


Posted by PAUL, a Child Custody client

I recommend Jennifer Byers-Lawton.
I hired Jennifer 1-6 months ago.
Jennifer handled my Child Custody matter.
I have previously worked with 1-2 lawyers.
I met with Jennifer and we went over all of my evidence I had gathered through my paralegal against my X wife. Jennifer was trustworthy, responsive, knowledgeable and kept me informed throughout the whole process. But, most importantly I felt very confident after speaking with Jennifer. The outcome was FANTASTIC!!! I won sole legal custody of my children. I’m the happiest man on earth.


Posted by Heather, a Divorce client

I recommend Jennifer Byers-Lawton.
I had a great experience working with Jennifer Byers-Lawton. She kept me informed every step of the way and helped me through a very stressful time in my life with patience and understanding. My divorce included figuring how to divide a house, how to keep two houses equally shared, as well as how to keep two children’s lives as close to normal as possible. It also included an unreasonable request for palimony. Though it didn’t turn out exactly the way I had hoped, it ended up with an equal division of assets in a timely manner. As a result, I would definitely recommend Jennifer to my friends without hesitation.


Posted by a Child Custody client

I recommend Jennifer Byers-Lawton. There should be more attornies like Attorney Jennifer Byers-Lawton. She is an amazing, intelligent professional. She gave us direction and comfort through a gruelling custody battle which involved child abuse. Attorney Byers-Lawton is very professional yet caring and she was always very well versed with the intricacies of our case. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for an attorney that can get the job done and does it well. We were so blessed to have her representing us.


Posted by David, a Child Custody client

Jennifer byers-lawton is confident, capable, thorough, tenacious, perceptive, intuitive, honest, real, straightforward, a voice of reason, reassuring, terrific, representing with the highest levels of integrity, honesty and brilliance, unlike many others in her field.

I am not one to praise attorneys or take the time to write reviews for that matter. But when it comes to the law firm of Lerandeau & Lerandeau I find exception. I first went to Paul about 4 years ago and met with him as well as Jennifer. I had wanted increased custody. Even though I had joint physical and legal custody, it was made quite impossible to spend additional time with my two sons. I had no desire to go to court yet I was provided with thorough and sound comprehensive advice. I had been referred to Paul for his excellent reputation-he was on my side. Through the years I kept in contact with his firm. This was a good thing.

After I pressed for numerous modifications and arrangements to create and provide a stable environment for the children, by providing them more time with my wife and I, it turns out that we discovered some horrifying findings last year.
One son bravely came forward, and although a cps report is generated by a physician and the truth is brought to light regarding specific instances of child abuse, neglect and family violence, having all of this sometimes may not be enough to protect a child. You need to have counsel that is willing to go the distance with you.

After filing petitions, among them an ex-parte in the court to get the ball rolling for request of full custody of both boys, I was quite overwhelmed with the process. There was a request for trial by the opposing attorney and at this point I was without representation. The respondent had filed a response with an attorney. Untruthful declarations were filed by that party, going to extremes and even coercing negative declarations from the eldest minor.

Then I went to Paul, and discussed our situation and wishes to attain full custody in view of the circumstances. After meeting with him, I was put at ease for some time and hired his firm. I was perplexed and a bit hesitant at first when I had been assigned Jennifer byers-lawton to handle our case and represent our request at court. My lack of confidence was more related to the fact that I knew what I was getting with Mr. Lerandeau.

I must say that I found Jennifer to be thorough, professional and compassionate – a top-notch attorney! She was always responsive, is deeply perceptive, and is an indespensable asset in the area of custody issues. Throughout this harrowing and emotionally exhausting experience, I was confident with Jennifer as our advocate. She called back and returned emails immediately. She inspires confidence and strength when she is in the room. Her genuine and caring attitude is evident. I highly recommend her!

Because of her expertise and persistence in doing the right thing, my child now has a chance for a well-adjusted and protected future. Jennifer was effective in working with the court system and due to her concern we were able to get the best possible outcome for the youngest. Jennifer treated the custody proceedings much more than just another case; she put effort and care into my son and the nuances of our case. To which I am forever grateful!


5.0 stars – Posted by Donald

Lacey N. Sanchez is a highly professional and knowledgable Attorney. She fought for my rights as a parent overcoming false allegations from my former spouse, and stood up to an overbearing arogant over confident Attorney who represented my former spouse. She was able to over come the false allegations filed against me, where I was awarded equal time with my child as requested. Basically Lacey fought for me and I was awarded everything I was requesting as well clearing my name in open court. If your in need of a sharp Attorney for family court Lacey would be a great choice! Thank you Lacey.


5 Stars – Posted by Client

Lacey Sanchez is an absolutely wonderful attorney! I had a complicated custody proceeding and she handled it with ease, getting everything I wanted. Always prompt to return calls and emails and was dynamite in court. Very honest attorneys all around. Will be recommending to anyone I know needing a family law attorney!

Lerandeau & Lerandeau LLP has an AVVO rating of 10 based on 29 reviews. | View our reviews or leave us feedback.


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We ask that reviewers be specific. Explain what their lawyer did (or failed to do) with their case. We will only accept reviews that clearly indicate they were written by an actual client. Reviewers should be helpful, not spiteful. We ask that reviewers not post hostile or insulting content and stick to the facts. Reviews that contain unsupported accusations will not be approved.

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