by Paul Lerandeau, Fresno Divorce Attorneys

“Representation by an attorney in a Fresno divorce from start to finish is not always financially possible or desired. Today’s legal consumers want an alternative to the traditional legal services model and its costly price tag. Lerandeau & Lerandeau offers a number of flexible arrangements tailored to meet the needs of modern consumers. We can represent you for whatever specific portions of your case you desire, e.g., one hearing, document review, strategy sessions, pre-divorce planning, or whatever else you may need. This type of arrangement is called a “limited scope” representation. A limited scope representation greatly reduces the amount of attorney’s fees you will spend when you don’t need the traditional full-service engagement.” Paul Lerandeau, Fresno Divorce Attorneys.

Should you choose to take advantage of this type of arrangement, you will need to act as your own attorney for the other portions of the case. As such, you will need some easy-to-understand legal resources to help you. I have compiled a list of some of the essential websites you will need to help you through.

1. Forms Filed with the Court

The Judicial Council of California has a section on it’s website that allows you to get copies of all legal forms required to be filed with the Court. It also allows you to fill them out on the website and print them out. It is a very helpful resource. Click Here.

2. Legal Explanations

The State of California has very informative Sections on its website explaining basic concepts concerning family law. Click Here.

3. Local Rules

Each County has rules that are specific to only that County. These Local Rules are contained on the Superior Court Website for each County. The links are:

Fresno County Superior Court: Click Here.

Madera County Superior Court: Click Here.

Kings County Superior Court: Click Here.

Tulare County Superior Court: Click Here.



Child Custody

Spousal Support

Restraining Orders

Legal Separation

Child Visitation

Child Support


Annulment and Nullity

Grandparents Rights

Modify Court Orders

Alternatives to Divorce Court

Same Sex Marriage


Enforcing Court Orders

Limited Scope Assistance